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We saw the art early, and it grabbed our attention then.
Now, it's finally here.

Pretty cool, right? I'm not quite as sure about the card when it comes to Constructed as Limited, but in the 40-card formats this thing will be a beast. And then it will punch a beast.
On the note about the artwork, though, I have to say it's nice to see something downright silly like this every now and then. I'm not a guy who gets super into the artwork of cards, but this one is just plain fun. And you can never have too much of that.
Careful of the 2-for-1 on this as it would be a brutal punt on the board state if your opponent removes your critter at instant speed. Treat it like Hunt the Weak and try to catch your opponent tapped out. It’s a cool card, but slightly risky.
Please no Ray Rice alters.