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It's the most exciting time of the year Magic-wise, and that's always worth talking about.
"I can't think of a more exciting time to be in Magic. Set Rotation is like Christmas, and it's a destination trip since so many people end up in Magic Christmasland around this time.
But really, there's an understandable reason for it. With such a new format that stands completely unformed and wide open, it's also a trip to the wild west of Magic finance. I know the basics of how to handle Rotation have already been covered and are familiar to most of you. After all, how many ways are there to say "rotating cards drop, the others don't?"
That's why today I want to describe the next step in Rotation for anyone who isn't super familiar with it. And, given some of the changes this year, I think it's especially relevant to cover. So I'm going to outline the general timeline for things over the next few months."
You can find the full article here.