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The internet is a large and scary place and it's easy to get lost. However, sometimes when you stumble down a dark alleyway online, you find someone you're glad you ran across. That happened to me tonight when I stumbled upon a website where and artist took cards from recent sets and retemplated them to look like they came from the Beta expansion. Old borders, old phrasing conventions and old art styles abound. It's a wacky place and I bet you'll like the cards as much as I do. Here are some gems.
Some of you may recognize the work of "The Proxy Guy"; a big proponent of the Heavy Meta and Brainstorm Brewery podcasts and all around great artist. While I don't condone making proxies and substituting them for real cards in cubes, something which doesn't support what we do here at QS nor what they do at Wizards of the coast, it's hard to deny how good some of the art is. Navigate around the page I linked for more sweet art.
Ha ha, that is a pimped Ral Zarek.
is it a coincidence we have two similar articles now, about the beta proxies?
What is the alternative to a co-incidence? A Conspiracy? Are you asking whether there is a conspiracy?
wake up sheeple
hell yes.