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There have been some damn good draft formats in the last three years, but there have also been a few duds. Based on the time-tested and clearly flawless method of trusting my own personal anecdotes, opinions, and gut feelings, I have undergone the extensive process of determining exactly how good each of these formats was in relation to its peers. Because they're not normal expansions, neither Modern Masters nor Conspiracy was included for consideration.
The official rankings are below. There is no appeals process.
1. Innistrad - Innistrad - Innistrad
2. Gatecrash - Gatecrash - Gatecrash
3. Magic 2013 - Magic 2013 - Magic 2013
4. Theros - Theros - Theros
5. Dragon's Maze - Gatecrash - Return to Ravnica
6. Journey into Nyx - Born of the Gods - Theros
7. Avacyn Restored - Avacyn Restored - Avacyn Restored
8. Magic 2014 - Magic 2014 - Magic 2014
9. Magic 2015 - Magic 2015 - Magic 2015
10. Dark Ascension - Innistrad - Innistrad
11. Born of the Gods - Theros - Theros
12. Fresh air and sunshine
13. Return to Ravnica - Return to Ravnica - Return to Ravnica (DIAF, Pack Rat)
For the record, triple Return to Ravnica makes top three in drafts where no Pack Rat is opened.
If we’re looking at three years, why are Conspiracy and (especially) Modern Masters omitted?
And yes, I read your “out of the normal expansions” comment, I just don’t see why you would ignore them.
Being a multiplayer format, Conspiracy was so far out of the norm that it’s hard to even compare. Modern Master’s could have been included and would certainly be high on this list, but a set of only reprints differs significantly from sets introducing new cards and mechanics.
why is 3xavacyn in this list?
Avacyn was a terrible draft format, it was heard to get to 23 playables. It should be lower on the list and DKA-ISD-ISD should be higher.
it was so miserable forcing blue green draft after draft.
Exactly. I had some success with R/W and Homicidal Seclusion.dec, but if there’s another black drafter in your pod, forget it.