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I'm getting there, and I'm trying. I really am. To learn the names of the new Wedges. It's a slow process, I admit, but I'm getting there.
You have to remember, it was once like this for the Shards from Alara as well, and now we use those in common usage.
So here's a cheatsheat.
This is as awesome as it gets, in terms of readability. Enjoy!
I would like to see some sense by applying WUBRG ordering to all subsets. For Shards you could order by WUBRG based on the central ally:
gWu Bant
wUb Esper
uBr Grixis
bRg Jund
rGw Naya
And for Wedges on the enemy colour:
Wbr Mardu
Urg Temur
Bgw Abzan
Rwu Jeskai
Gub Sultai
And also for guilds, Allies first then Enemies:
Wu Azorius
Ub Dimir
Br Rakdos
Rg Gruul
Gw Selesnya
Wb Orzhov
Ur Izzet
Bg Golgari
Rw Boros
Gu Simic
I guess for Nephilim you could order by WUBRG based on what’s missing so:
Glint > Dune > Ink > Witch > Yore as you’ve included in your list above.