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If you haven't guessed, I'm a big follower of OP, or Organized Play. Basically, this means whatever Magic tournaments are happening, and as the game has grown so have the events. We have GPs all the time all over the world, Star City Opens every weekend, one-off events like Eternal Weekend and TCGPlayer 50ks, and more.
It's a real challenge to keep up with it all.
Luckily, we have Mike Rosenberg to do it for us. I know readership of the mothership has become a little more difficult since the changing times and at-times clunky new layout (and the SEO on it seems to be lacking), but there is as always good content there, even if it's a bit hidden.
Mike's OP article every week fits that bill. I consider it must reading for anyone looking to get both a recap and a preview of the major events upcoming, and it's always a solid read. In fact, after the busy week that was, I suggest doing that now. You can find this week's article here.