
4 thoughts on “Insider: Finding the Best Khans Standard Monoblack Deck

  1. If you are already splashing white for Chief of the Edge, try also splashing red for Butcher of the Horde! Springleaf Drum can help you on the mana while also enabling Pain Seer. You only need 1 Mountain (which can become Badlands if there is an Urborg) for your 4 Bloodstained Mire. I think Soldier of the Pantheon kind of sucks. You want every creature to be black because of Mogis’s Marauder, which is the main reason we want to play monoblack.

    1. Springleaf Drum strikes me as more problematic than beneficial. Using spell slots weakens your beat down deck and using land drops makes more hands into mulligans. And if you don’t have Pain Seer/ Pain Seer could attack anyway it seems really unfortunate.

      More importantly, I think a deck like this would be both a slow beat down deck and a sub-optimal butcher of the horde deck. Butcher really wants to make friends with Rablemaster and Wingmate Roc.

  2. Assuming you’re trying to stick it out with mono-B aggro, I’d make the following changes from that list:

    -1 Swamp
    -1 Brain Maggot
    -2 Bile Blight
    -1 Hero’s Downfall

    +1 Herald of Torment
    +4 Crippling Blight

    Crippling Blight lets you go around Courser, as well as other fatties (Agent of the Fates is another option, though the 3 drop spot is pretty clogged already). I like to max out on the fliers since to help the Monsters/Green Devotion matchups since those seem to be prevalent right now.

    You still gotta pray you can TS their turn 3 wipe on time, but this deck might be better positioned once control rears it’s head and MD Anger/Drown in Sorrow isn’t as prevalent (since they are mostly dead against other control decks). If you want extra insurance, you can try Boon of Erebos (only saves 1 creature though), Hall of Triumph (to pump them out of Anger/Drown/Circle of Flame range), or Nighthowler (cast after a board wipe for a huge dude).

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