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Santa sighting 2013This year I was so exited I set up a camera and caught him on film! Here is what happened. It was around 3:00 ‘o’ clock and I was getting tired I tried staying awake. I finally decided just incase I fell asleep I would set up my camera, so I set it up in the den on a shelf used an extinsion cord and plugged it in. It turns out I did fall asleep. So I checked my camera and I saw movent and a red suit. When I was trying to import my photos it didn’t load it, I looked in my camera and it was gone! Taco. At about 8:45 PM, I went into the bathroom for a shower, locking the door behind me as I did so. When I came out, I looked at the window at the end of the room and to my great surprise, someone had scribbled a few words on the condensation that had formed on it! Unfortunately I can’t remember the exact wording of it, but it definitely contained the words “Ho Ho Ho” and “Merry Christmas”, and a picture of a smily face. There is no way my parents or any of my siblings could have done this, the bathroom door was locked and the window fastened the whole time I was in there, and the writing was on the inside of the window, not the outside, and it definitely wasn’t there when I first went in. Besides, my parents still deny having anything to do with this, and are just as baffled by it as I am. Later that night I also heard bell ringing outside the house. I genuinely believe this was the work of Saint Nicholas. Tim Hogan
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