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Bugs happen, and we all know that. But Magic Online just can't catch a break recently.
The latest bad news? The Top 8 of a Sealed PTQ breaking. Half of the Top 8 ended up submitting 80-card decks because they were unable to save the deck they actually wanted to present. You ended up with a winner who wouldn't want to give up his spot (nor should he), but a full half of the Top 8 who didn't even get their chance to win the draft.
It's a rough situation. On the one hand, bugs in online games happen, and that's unpreventable. On the other hand, the rap on Version 4 of Magic Online is so negative at this point that no one is willing to overlook this as something unavoidable from time to time. And all the while, the product is hurt, as is consumer confidence in the product.
The next step? I don't know. The last time Magic Online broke so bad they closed down high-level events on the client for weeks. Is something similar in store?