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And so it begins. Â This is the weekend that will define an entire format. Â Prices will change, new information will come to light, and fortunes will be made and lost. Â Our main goal at QS is to enable people to get the best, most up-to-date information possible, so we'll be continuing to tap our sources both onsite in Honolulu and elsewhere. Â Here are a few resources that we've put together to help you get the most out of this weekend. Â Some are free to everyone, but the best stuff is reserved for our subscribers.
[Insider-Only] Real-Time Chat Discussion of the Pro Tour.
This is a great place to gather information that might not have hit Twitter or reddit yet, and to bounce ideas off of experienced traders.
[Free]Â Live Podcast: Q&A with Kelly Reid, Douglas Linn and Jason Alt
Listen in as QS founders Kelly and Doug are joined by MTG Finance internet superstar Jason Alt. Â We'll be taking questions Q&A style and answering them on-air. Â This will begin at 6pm EST.
[Free]Â PT Watch List: KTKÂ
Each Pro Tour, we try to put together a running list of cards we want to keep an eye on. Â The list is public and free to everyone, but Insiders can see more details about who's paying how much for which card. Â It's important to note that this is not a list of "good pick-ups", just cards we want to follow. Â If you want to learn more, consider joining the discussion on the Insider chat.
[Insider-Only] Event Coverage Discussion Forum
While the live chat is great for getting quick advice and sharing news, the forums are the best place to ask more in-depth questions and really dig in and share your thoughts.