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It's been a good run, Khans of Tarkir. But, financially at least, your time may be coming to an end.
For now.
What an exciting time for Magic, right? We have lots of sweet decks out of the Pro Tour. We have a new set with all kinds of playables in every format, a new metagame, a great draft format, and I think Wizards is even folding the dollars bills in our packs the right way this year.
Everything's coming up roses on the bloody fields of Tarkir. We're seeing cards spike, and every weekend it seems like there's a new hotness. Right now people are very excited about Savage Knuckleblade being the next big thing, or maybe See the Unwritten. Now that we've seen the first wave of spikes, the narrative seems to be that something else is just on the horizon.
But here's the thing: it's not.
You can read the full article here.