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Hey everyone,
This article was originally posted in September, when we first received spoilers of Khans of Tarkir and saw that fetchlands were returning. Given the momentum Magic has going for it right now, this felt like a timely opportunity to release this.
I’ll skip right to the relevant paragraph:
“So I’ll make a bold claim that’s been gnawing at the back of my mind for a couple of months now, even though I’ve pushed it off because it goes against all precedent: Modern prices are not going up anytime soon.”
I wrote that several months ago, around the time everyone was prepping for the oncoming Modern season and the wondrous prices it would bring. I felt the pressure at the time of writing that, because I was definitely fighting against the “conventional wisdom.” In retrospect, I’m really glad I acted on my gut there, because as we all know Modern prices stagnated horribly this summer, and in many cases dropped outright.
There’s another relevant paragraph from that article:
“When the next catalyst comes, aggressively buy staples across the board.”
That time is now.
You can read the full article here. Enjoy!