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Were you planning on attending GP Ottawa?
I was not, but if you were planning on it, you might want to preregister right now.
We just breached 800 pre-registrations and it leads us to believe that we may reach our maximum capacity. Therefore we are announcing that the current cap for Grand Prix Ottawa is 1600 players. We will make an announcement every time we reach the next 100 threshold to help you plan ahead.
In order to avoid any disappointments, we strongly suggest to pre-register online.
With only half of the available slots left, get on that. I realize a GP in Ottawa sounds only marginally better than watching the Senators play the Oilers, but for the people who are near Ottawa, it's a GP and going to Grands Prix is what we do. So if you want to play the main event or pay the entry fee and drop to get the registration swag like you should have in Edison, you might want to make like an Apache and jump on it.