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Each week, I like to interview a member of the Magic finance community about themselves - why they trade, what they like to look out for, and what strategies they can teach us. This week, my guest was Kyle Falbo. He's got an incredible strategy for collection buying that you just have to hear. It involves magical mystery road trips, for one! You'll find out:
-How to vet a collection to find on Craigslist to see if it's worth your time
-planning your tournament trips to pick up collections on the way
-The profile of people who have inherited their friends' collections, and how to find them
and plenty more!
You can listen to the interview here.
You can find Kyle here:
As you'll hear in the interview, Kyle finds his subscription to Quiet Speculation to be essential for making money on Magic.
You can ask questions and post comments here or tweet to me - @quietspec is where you'll get ahold of me!