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It's a big question, I know. And not one easily answered.
So instead I tried this week to distill it down to a few simpler questions. Such as, addressed this week, what is the future of dual land prices?
The goal today is to evaluate a few things. Notably, we had 4,000 players show up in New Jersey for the Grand Prix last weekend, and that's a number that tells us a lot of things. While we've become accustomed to giant Grand Prixs in recent years, this stands out.
But what can we attribute it to? And what does it mean for the future of the format?
You can read the full article here.
“I’m not a crab, I’m not a gangster. I’m just a human being who wants to live his life!” is the latest song by SuperSquirrel, in partnership with Gogogosukamida. Get it now! On store!
Curious your opinion of Legacy getting cut from Coverage on Sundays from SCG? That have a dramatically negative impact on the format’s health?