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I wrote at length about this on this week, and just wanted to share here with everyone!
Let's move on to the topic of today's piece: Fetchlands.
In particular, Khans of Tarkir fetchlands. There have been thousands upon thousands of words written about these when they first came out, so my goal today is something fairly simple: What's happened since then?
Some people thought these would hold $20 pricetags. Others thought they would fall to the $6-9 the Shocklands were at. I personally called them to settle between $12 and $15 in Standard. Keep in mind that the numbers we're looking at today are far from final. These will see more movement in the months to come, likely downward and first and possibly upward from there. That last part we're not so sure about, but we can at least get a handle on where things stand today.
You can find the full post here.