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Greetings, all! I'm writing this away from my usual locale in the sunny south, instead enjoying the snowy mountains. I hope your Christmas was fantastic (assuming you celebrate it. If not, that's cool, too).
In case you didn't get the email or it missed it in your junk box, today (December 26) is a good day to get reasonable value from TCGplayer. Check it out:
I mean, don't get me wrong. This isn't insane value or anything. A $50 purchase only gets you back $2.50. But if you have certain cards you were planning to pick up anyway, or just want to shave your buy-in price by a few cents on a sweet spec, this does add some value. It's not enough to make me buy cards I wouldn't have otherwise bought, but there's no reason not to take advantage if you already had something in mind.
Once again, enjoy your time off from school, or accept my condolences for the need to return to work after only the national holiday—assuming you even got that. No matter your situation, enjoy the weekend!