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Temporal Trespass
It’s nearly impossible to judge this card correctly. Judge it in a vacuum without considering how many cards Sultai decks are jamming into the graveyard right now and its delve cost seems insurmountable. Remember the lesson of how underrated Dig Through Time was and you’re likely to be way too bullish. Remember the lesson of how overrated Temporal Manipulation was, and you’re likely to be way too bearish.
We need to know more. Are there going to be more ways to put cards in the yard? Are decks that do that going to benefit all that much from an extra turn where they mostly draw more spells to put more cards in the yard? Is UUU too tough for a 3-color deck? Does this have a deck? Too many questions. Anyone acting like they can properly evaluate this right now is fooling themselves. I do know a few things.
- EDH plays Time Warp effects
- This card will presell for a lot of money
I don’t know whether that “a lot of money” will be too much like it was for Temporal Manipulation or too little like Dig Through Time. If I had to guess, I would guess that this is a fairer card than people think and it’s unlikely it’s as good as people who flip out over Time Walk cards always do. I’m not a buyer at over $10 preorder. Maybe I’m too risk-averse, but I am not wowed here.
I like it with rakshasa vizier