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Every once in a while you meet someone and hear their story and really helps ground you.
There is a lot of drama in this game from time to time, and I revel in it. There are cheating scandals, people snipe at other people and everyone's a critic. It seems like every decision WotC makes these days is second guessed by everyone before it's even announced. As much fun as Magic is to play, there is a lot that has nothing to do with actual card-slinging that we get caught up in. But every once in a while you meet someone and hear their story and you're reminded that this is just a silly children's card game and we should probably lighten up.
You know what's not a game? Cancer. Everyone knows someone who has dealt with cancer and it's serious business. Sometimes they outcome is ultimately a bad one and it's something we all have to deal with. But sometimes things work out for the best and you get to hear from a survivor and share in their triumph.
Recently a twitter follower of mine named Christopher responded to a Tweet of mine that said, succinctly, "Fuck Cancer" and told me that he had recently locked horns with the disease and ultimately he had come out on top. One of the things that helped keep him going during the painful and exhausting treatments was this game we all share. I asked Christopher if he was interested in sharing his story with the world and he agreed. This is a story about a terrifying situation but one with a happy ending and one which reminds all of us that Magic's only a game, but it's a good one and so is this community. I invite you to read Christopher's story and share it with your friends and family. This is a great game we're all a part of, and stories like this make me proud to be part of this community.