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We've heard of the mythical "god boxes." In Journey into Nyx, we had actual "god packs," where every card in the pack was a god from the set.
Now we have... fetchland boxes? This video seems to suggest so. In it, the creator opens a full box of packs, and finds a fetchland in every single one of them. I'm not sure if this is a printing error or a special little easter egg from Wizards, but either way it's awesome.
That said, keep in mind this is going to be a very small print run regardless of whether or not it's on purpose. Fetchland prices may have a little more room to fall because more are being opened, but they aren't going to change significantly based on this easter egg/print run error alone, so you don't have to worry about this crashing the prices of your cards.
Not that these two boxes will affect the market, but do you think that this mistake will happen enough to where the price on the new fetches falls below $10 or is this likely a 1 (2) time occurrence?
It’s likely a hopper error at the printer. Someone just forgot to throw some of the other dual lands in there.
That said, I don’t see this affecting the price of fetches any. I’ll still be buying as many copies of them as I can if they dip below $10.