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The Alpha Art Project was the brainchild of Gathering Magic's Mike Linneman. The object of the project is to track down as many of the original art pieces from Alpha as possible. Were the works lost to destruction or theft? Is the owner of the original piece known? Could you be the one to update the project and let them know the owner or location of one of the pieces? So far 121 of the original 302 pieces have been accounted for.
The Alpha Art Project website is worth perusing. Some of the stories behind how the pieces ended up where they ended up are good ones, and while there isn't a ton of information on the site, seeing it occasionally update and check another piece off of the list is gratifying.
If there are any updates in the future, I'll let everyone know, but today 5 more pieces being accounted for was a significant update. Articles about some of the more interesting stories are planned for the future as well.
OMA means grandmother in my language.
contact OMA sounds very funny to me.