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Hey, it's that cool time of Spoiler Season, where we know basically what the prices will be going into the prerelease weekend. There's still a lot of value in this set even though it lacks fetchlands in a rare spot (I know they're in the land slot, belay your hatemail). A lot of the value is tied up in Monastery Mentor, Ugin and Soulfire Grand Master. Of those three, I think Ugin is the most likely to retain his price, while the others might not work out the way people had hoped they would.
Anyway, here's the lists. If you're going to the store, you can email these to your friends or print out extras. The best thing at a prerelease is helping a casual player find the true value of their cards so they don't get ripped off - it's a good way to encourage people to keep coming back and having fun!
Fate Reforged Cheatsheet: Price-ranked Version
Fate Reforged Cheatsheet: Alphabetized Version
Have fun and I hope you open an alternate-art Ugin in your prize pack!
As before, recommend the price-ranked version lead with the most expensive card, instead of putting that one at the bottom…
Will remember for next time! I kind of like the build-up anticipation of scanning down the list, though 🙂
Most people are looking for quick access to critical information. Not excitement and suspense.
If you’re not intending to read and memorize the entire document, having the only parts your interested in be in the lower right in backwards order is surprisingly jarring.
I traded away the monestary mentor for a poluted delta and a wind swepth hearth good itdea? or bad trade?