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You can always count on Mark Rosewater (MaRo) for a good article, especially when he decides to write a little more creatively. It's something we've come to love and expect from a designer who is, in many ways, the face of R&D to the outside world.
In a line of good articles, today's article was no exception.
Television and film get it partly right. Blue crackling energy does always form moments before the time machine arrives, but it doesn't gradually materialize. One moment nothing exists and the next the time machine is simply there. Normally, you use it such that no one sees you arrive, but in this case, it was important that I be seen arriving. I open the door and step out into Richard's apartment.
"Richard? I mean, Richard Garfield?"
"Yes. Is that a time machine?"
It's well worth a read, and you can find the full thing here.