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Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest
People tend to overvalue the cards they spoil. Why do I bring this up?
I think this is likely to be a good EDH general, and the EDH subreddit backs me up. I have also brewed a bit in Modern, coming up with Magic Christmasland scenarios where you can kill them with Noble Hierarch and Mutagenic Growth. I don't think that's going to happen much.
I really like this card. I have thought of every best case scenario for this card. I have been brewing with it for 2 weeks because I got to see it early. No one is likely to be more hyped about this card than I am.
That said, this is a $12 playset on eBay and when I saw that, I said "I dunno....three dollars?" So there you have it. The guy who loves this card more than anyone on earth balked at $3.