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We live in a pretty incredible Magic world in 2015. In the old days (like five years ago) we were lucky to have a large Magic event a weekend, and sometimes you waited weeks for one to come along. These days we have them in spades, including a busy weekend now behind us, where we had not one, but two Grand Prix happening! One was a snowy affair in Memphis where players broke out the Standard decks, and the other was in Vancouver, where we saw an update on the Modern format after the Pro Tour showcased it.
Both events seem like they went well, with a good amount of decks showing up in both. And the news out of Vancouver was encouraging; the format wasn't quite as Abzan-dominated as the Pro Tour was.
Not to go all company line on you here, but the coverage we saw out of both events was outstanding, and I highly recommend spending part of your money looking over it. You can find coverage of Grand Prix Memphis (Standard) here, and coverage of Grand Prix Vancouver here.