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If you're like me, you're a huge fan of Eric Klug's work. He's clearly the best card alterist in the game, and not only that, he's a dedicated member of our community, curating cubes to draft from at nearly every event he attends. Klug's work speaks for itself and everyone has a favorite piece unless they aren't aware of his work. I envy those people getting to see his work for this first time.
This week, Eric did an AMA (which stands for "Ask me anything") in the magic subreddit. He stuck around for a few hours answering questions and since responses will get sent to the message box on his account, there's a chance he'll respond to something asked even now since he's an active redditor with three years under his belt.
This is one of the most interesting AMAs I have read, frankly. He answers some interesting questions and even fans of his work and longtime followers will find they have something to learn. The AMA was also an excellent excuse for us to see his favorite work.
Ok, that's cheating. This wasn't from the AMA, it's just my favorite piece.
The full AMA is available at this link.
Feel free to ask a question and maybe he'll get back to you. If not, peruse the entire thing because it's a great read and well worth it. Enjoy!
Do you own any Klug alters? (can I join your fan club for his alters!
Is that the Lone Wolf, and master of Horse Slashing technique, Ogami Ittō? Best alter ever!
I’ve gotten a 2 alters done by Eric and the process was fairly simple and easy. There was a wait to get them done but well worth it.
My two alters so far have been Kevin Spacey as Edric and Kaalia of the Vast Art Nouveau “claire de lune” (also his current profile picture on facebook).
The scans he does for his facebook feed do no justice to what they look like in person.