
Eye Candy

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A while back I turned you all on to the MTG Gore subreddit. It was painful to look at but it was like a trainwreck - I wanted to but couldn't look away. Dirty, wet and torn cards as far as the eye could see. It was harrowing to say the least.

I feel bad about inflicting that on all of you so I decided to show you the other side of the coin. Not all visual experiences have to be bad ones, so I have some examples of high-res wallpapers and scans from the MTG Porn subreddit. I know what you're thinking, but it's not Steve Argyle's sexy Liliana and Chandra playmat. It's stuff a little more like this.

Awwwww yiss. This is some background-worthy artwork. The subreddit is chock full of examples of great high res scans that make great images or wallpapers. Browse through and you may just find something you've never seen before but like a lot. I know I did.

I present to you the new desktop background on my computer.

Now that's what I'm talking about.

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Jason Alt

Jason Alt is a value trader and writer. He is Quiet Speculation's self-appointed web content archivist and co-captain of the interdepartmental dodgeball team. He enjoys craft microbrews and doing things ironically. You may have seen him at magic events; he wears black t-shirts and has a beard and a backpack so he's pretty easy to spot. You can hear him as co-host on the Brainstorm Brewery podcast or catch his articles on He is also the Community Manager at and writes the odd article there, too. Follow him on Twitter @JasonEAlt unless you don't like having your mind blown.

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2 thoughts on “Eye Candy

  1. Whats next, MTGGorn. Elaborate mosaics using tiny gore images to assemble incredibly supple and life like pictures of all the faves. I love it all. Although your desktop background guy is definetly compensating with that “five dollar foot long” of a groin shield. Eat fresh’

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