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I know we spend a lot of time here bring up Mark Rosewater, but it's only because he's so important in the community. Head designer, Magic historian and all-around awesome guy, MaRo's article are a highlight to many every week.
And, this being Sultai Week on the mothership - the week where it's all about the busted Delving colors - we had to include MaRo's take on it.
Welcome to Sultai Week! This week, we'll be talking all about the Black-Green-Blue wedge. As this is the fourth of five clan weeks, I'll be continuing my look at how the three colors from each clan get along. To do this, I'll put all three colors in a room together and interview them. I've previously interviewed the colors from Abzan, Jeskai, and Mardu. If you are interested in reading more about the color philosophies, you can check out my color pie page where I talk about the topic at great length (in more than 20 articles).
My goal with the wedge series is to help you all get a better sense of how the colors interact and what they think about one another. I'll ask questions and then get out of the way. As I've said my required explanation, let's get to the interview:
You can read the full article here.