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The next core set promises to be a little different. Called "Magic Origins", this set will explore the pre-spark days of the 5 Lorwyn Planeswalkers, Ajani, Jace, Liliana, Chandra and Garruk. We've gotten updated information; a few readers have found information that Nissa and Gideon will be a part of the set.
If you have the time or an easy job, watch the youtube video. Mark Purvis and Ian Duke help Rich Hagon announce the set. The video gives us a few clues and tells us we'll learn more at Pax East and other future events. The art looks pretty good, the planeswalkers are iconic and you're not allowed to not buy core set if you want to play Magic. This should be a fitting end to the core set tradition.
So, now that we have the facts, it's time for baseless speculation. What is Magic Origins going to be like? Who will have the best origin story? Will there be legendary creatures that represent pre-spark planeswalkers? Sound off below.
DFCs, legendary creature on one side with a hard to achieve trigger, busted planeswalker on the other
DFC’s for sure. First idea popped in my head too of a trigger to flip ‘creating the spark’ and turning into a /less fine-tuned/ planeswalker. Definitely shake up all formats with those.
The white walker in the set is Gideon not Ajani the Alara block tells about Ajani pre spark.
Nice catch. I like Gideon better anyway
I thought the green walker was slated to be Nissa? Which would make a certain amount of sense with Garruk being the only double sided walker to be printed before.
Gideon and Nissa were indeed the W and G ‘walkers named during the announcement.
Interesting that they claim this set will change how they do storytelling moving forward. Hyperbole, or are they gonna try something new?