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We all love Magic art. However, while we get to see their work, we don't always get to hear Magic artists' stories unless we wait in a long line to talk to them at a GP or at GenCon.
Recently, artist Ray Swanland granted an interview to ArtOfMTG. In it he discusses upcoming work, how to contact him about buying original pieces and who in the business inspires him as an artist.
You can read the full interview here.
Ray Swanland has done a lot of great pieces over the years; so many that one Magic player put together an entire deck only using cards illustrated by him. It's Thraxirific!
Check out the interview and the decklist.
So who's your favorite Magic artist? If you have to pick an artist to build an entire deck around with the caveat that every card had to be illustrated by that artist, who would you pick? If it helps, you can search by artist on gatherer. Leave it in the comments.
Easy game.
Mark Poole did Ancestral Recall and Ancestral Visions, Counterspell and Cancel, Power Sink, Balance and Restore Balance, Library of Alexandria, Phantasmal Warriors and Howling Mine and Island Sanctuary. I win. May even jam Tropical Island and Birds of Paradise to be a showoff.
RK post (because of all the cards I played when I was a kid like avatars, thorn elemental) and Steve Argyle because all his recent work is awesome! He’s also a super nice guy but his alters fill up really quickly!
Rebecca guay gives access to persecute artist, a very strong spell in a format of mono-artist decks.
Gamers gonna game…
My favorite artist is by far Chippy. However, I have tried and never been able to locate any current contact information for him, I am interested in purchasing some large prints of his art.