
Todos Somos Detectives de Internet

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A mechanic from Dragons of Tarkir was leaked in a version of Maro's next article on the Spanish Wizards Website. The mechanic seems to be "Megamorph"; cards that get an additional +1/+1 counter when turned face up. As cool as creatures getting turnt up would be with cards like Hardened Scales I don't know how much impact it will actually have. It does make me like Whisperwood Elemental a bit more, but with its price tripling lately, I am not sure I could like a card I already called the best card in the set any more.

So how did all of this come about?

Someone apparently saw the article on the Spanish Wizards site and got this Pastebin grab which someone else later plugged into google translate.

In addition to the kerfuffle about Megamorph, or whatever they're going to call it, it seems like a lot of people got hung up on one paragraph-

Therefore, I reviewed our options and made ​​a decision: Dragons Tarkir would use the theme of enemy colors. We had never done a cycle of legendary dragons of opposite colors and unique collection of that type that we had created was Revelation, fifteen years ago. I also liked the idea that dragons generate many conflicts when they should do with power, and the enemies colors serve to represent it. Note that we had not yet begun designing Tarkir Dragons. First, we had to plan well what we were doing, to ensure that Kans of Tarkir not occupy the territory mechanic needed to Dragons Tarkir.

I don't think, even though others do, that enemy colored interactions indicate that Zendikar fetches are going to be reprinted. It makes little sense, especially when you consider how Zen fetches would be able to help sell an entire separate block, possibly the next block. Don't read too much into this, even though we weren't supposed to see it. The new mechanic could be cool, but let's leave it there. There will be no fetches, so the internet detectives can go back to cracking a different mystery, like what color that stupid dress is.

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Jason Alt

Jason Alt is a value trader and writer. He is Quiet Speculation's self-appointed web content archivist and co-captain of the interdepartmental dodgeball team. He enjoys craft microbrews and doing things ironically. You may have seen him at magic events; he wears black t-shirts and has a beard and a backpack so he's pretty easy to spot. You can hear him as co-host on the Brainstorm Brewery podcast or catch his articles on He is also the Community Manager at and writes the odd article there, too. Follow him on Twitter @JasonEAlt unless you don't like having your mind blown.

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6 thoughts on “Todos Somos Detectives de Internet

  1. I think something may have been lost in (google) translation here folks… I read the full article in the original Spanish, and the last set is not enemy-color, it’s allied-color. The enemy-color set was an earlier idea in the design process that was eventually scrapped. The new clans in Dragons correspond to the legendary two-color cycle of Dragons in Fate Reforged.

    So, uh, agreed on no new fetches.

  2. While i have no evidence i tend to believe the contrary about fetch.
    But probably it is me drawing trends from previous prevision that fetches would not appear in khans.
    After all we had rav shocks full cycle. Why not make the full cycle ?

  3. The stories on the mothership gives us the biggest hint already.

    Sultai lose Naga (=green) and surrender to Silumgar (UB).
    Abzan get rid of ancestors (=black) and surrender to Dromoka (GW)

    (still need to read the Jeskai story).

    Are these stories not obvious enough?

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