
When Tournaments Don’t Pay Out

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Remember CardMageddon? I was really excited about the idea at first, but the execution was sorely lacking. The independently run GP-prize-level tournament was a dismal failure at every conceivable level, but as discussed previously, the owner had a good attitude about it.

Well, apparently that good attitude was just meant to throw people off the scent, because word is that players aren't getting paid.

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Players have asked on MTG Salvation and Reddit how to pursue this, and per those threads, it looks like all the major figures associated with this event have gone dark for the last month or two.

With the big caveat that I am not a lawyer nor a tournament organizer, I fear that these players may just be out of luck here, but maybe a community-minded MTG-playing attorney can help out in some way. This whole situation is a real shame. We'll keep you updated if anything new comes to light.

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Danny Brown

Danny is a Cube enthusiast and the former Director of Content for Quiet Speculation.

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3 thoughts on “When Tournaments Don’t Pay Out

  1. At one point, there was at least 1 lawyer who worked with QS. If he’s still around, I wonder if he could shed any light on this situation.

    I know very little about the legal system, but is this a case where the players who are owed money should ponder a class action?

    If I recall, the entire prize pool was about $25,000 and there were around 100 players in the tournament. I suspect it wouldn’t really be worth it from a financial standpoint, but I’d feel pretty rotten if I had cashed that tournament, and then the TO just vanished.

    1. If you follow the links and do some reading, you’ll see that there are multiple people reporting this.

      So either there’s a conspiracy afoot, or it’s legit.

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