
Would You Enjoy Silver-Bordered Promos?

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My disdain for Un-sets has been expressed before, but that's mainly because I think spending money on boosters of joke cards is inane and irresponsible. I do enjoy the jokes, and wouldn't mind seeing more silver-bordered cards made.

Currently, the only silver-bordered cards that are regularly produced are the holiday cards. We get one of these a year, and since they're all holiday-themed, the jokes are relatively narrow.


Even though I don't want to see a booster expansion of silver-bordered cards, I wouldn't mind seeing more than one a year. So that got me wondering: what other ways could Wizards distribute these cards that would be exciting to players but not financially disastrous for Legacy players or the company?

I propose that silver-bordered cards are a great place for exclusive promos. After early cards like Mana Crypt and Nalathni Dragon, Wizards shied away from making cards exclusive to one specific event or auxiliary product. Nowadays, the exclusive promos are cool versions of cards that already exist.


But what if Wizards started introducing exclusive silver-bordered cards through promos? Tournament players wouldn't need them. Large groups of casual players wouldn't really care either (although some would). Only collectors would really want them, and that's exactly why silver-bordered exclusives (like the holiday cards) are a perfect thing to introduce to the game.

My ulterior motive here, considering I would be firmly in the camp of people who would not care to own these, is that I would get to enjoy the Magic-related jokes and puns that silver-bordered cards provide. That's all I really want from it.

It wouldn't be a failed product for Wizards. Players would (presumably) not be upset. Collectors would have a new item to track down. It would give Mark Rosewater a chance to create the silver-bordered cards he so wants to make, and it would give us all a chuckle.

Am I wrong? Why hasn't Wizards done this yet?

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Danny Brown

Danny is a Cube enthusiast and the former Director of Content for Quiet Speculation.

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