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You may have heard of CardMageddon. Or, more likely, you didn't. It was a big event hosted by CardAgain some number of months ago, and they ran into a few problems, to say the least. Basically, no one showed up for whatever reason. It was the company's first tournament, and it's safe to say the overreached.
Unsurprisingly, a tournament hosted by a company with no experience and no prior tournaments did not turn a profit. In fact, they came up short enough that paying players was hard.
So, today they did the best they could: they paid in part.
Players were given some of their winnings this week, and the store hopes to pay them all out in 2015. Will it happen? Who knows? But I also know a store with no money to pay out can't pay out money, so it seems like waiting is better than nothing at all.
You can read more about the developments here.
Saw a retweet by marcel where @movadomk5 was told by december 2016. Yeah.
I’ll say this: this is far more effort than most people expected just a week ago… so let’s give credit where credit is due.
Yes, the event was an abysmal failure … but at least they’re not just trying to give everyone the finger and run.
Well, they already gave everyone the finger and ran.
Credit is due to this mysterious benefactor who has come to bail out the company.
I’m also interested in seeing email transcripts between them and Wizards in which it was “guaranteed” there wouldn’t be a GP that weekend, because I feel like that would be a relevant factor in a tournament’s failure. Maybe not, but for a new tournament venue trying to start up, having to compete with a known event such as a GP could be devastating.