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The prerelease is tomorrow night! Are you ready?
Get ready with LSV's Red set review!
Red looks pretty weak and iffy. It is going to be a very good supplement to other colors, but that's the problem. The creatures are so awkward that it is going to be very difficult to build base red. Twin Bolt and Sarkhan's Rage are good pickups mid-pack, but if people grab them early, adhering to the old adage about taking bombs first and removal second, they could find themselves in an awkward spot. Atarka Efreet is very, very good, however, and Summit Prowler is nothing to sneeze at. Hardened Berserker could be the cornerstone of some very dirty things in Jeskai, also. I think you can safely first-pick Roast, but you better have a plan for Dragons if you do. All in all, I'm not going to be happy to be base red but it has so many utility cards that it will be fun to play in concert with another color or colors.
I might have called Thunderbreak Regent a 4.5, although RR is not easy to splash. That card is going to have a big impact on Standard but its event deck printing should attenuate the price a bit.
Not content to have your information trickle in? Limited Resources released their Limited set review podcast episode. No point in just taking LSV's word for it! The Brainstorm Brewery financial set review episode will be up tomorrow and LSV will be finishing off his review of the rest of the cards in the set. QS will be likely sending out the cheat sheet to insiders soon to help you figure out what to trade for at the prerelease. All in all, this will be a good prerelease. Best of luck to you!