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I'm no Limited expert. I am what I would call "competent" - my Limited rating was above 1900 at one point before they abolished the point system if memory serves. Still, when someone wants advice about limited picks, I am no one's first phone call. Fortunately for you, while I feel like my analysis regarding the rares and mythics in Dragons of Tarkir was something I am proud of, I think I will leave Limited to the Pros.
LSV, as always, is doing Limited pick set reviews for every color. Today's is white. We will be posting one a day until the prerelease this weekend, so make sure you fully peruse LSV's picks. When Marshall begins posting his, I will include those as well.
Here is LSV's White Limited pick review.
As always, we encourage dissent, so if you think he's wrong about something, let's get into it below in the comments.