Comments on: Insider: Dragons of Tarkir – Mythics & More Play More, Win More, Pay Less Tue, 18 Jan 2022 02:26:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Derek Madlem Mon, 16 Mar 2015 21:13:21 +0000 In reply to parisite.

The fact that we had [card]Stormbreath Dragon[/card] and [card]Thundermaw Hellkite[/card] back to back shows us that they CAN make a constructed playable dragon, they just chose not to. This set has an overwhelming stink of low effort on Wizard’s part and it makes me skeptical to the idea that there are good things in the pipeline.

The designers will all tell you the same thing: not every card was designed for every person, but they’ve been spending a lot of time leaning heavily on that sentiment and very little time creating cards that are compelling to play in addition to emotionally compelling.

Even just looking at the Liliana spoiled for Magic Origins has me completely unexcited for what that set’s going to bring. For the first five minutes, I looked at that card and said “yeah, that’s neat … it kinda tells a whole story.” After that card spends five minutes telling me a compelling narrative it needs to be compelling enough to play for 18 months, and it’s just not.

By: parisite Mon, 16 Mar 2015 15:09:06 +0000 thanks- glad to see I wasn’t the only one underwhelmed on these mythics….I will say for a dragon set and with lots of dragons…I was at least expecting another ‘like’ storm breath’ perhaps in another color or something along those power-lines…oh well..
