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I'm not an art guy. I'm no Mike Linnemann. Half the time I don't even look at the art outside of using it to identify cards. But, hell, when you take the time there's some really cool stuff there.
Take this, for instance.
Looked at separately, you'd never notice anything special about Durdle Turtle and the random 1/6 Tombshell. But next to each other? Suddenly we have a story being told. That's really cool, and it's far from the only time we've seen this in this block, much less all of Magic.
So, what else have I been missing? Any other really cool stories being told by multiple pieces of art I've never picked up on?
The monk in Myth Realized bears a pretty strong resemblance to Shu Yun. Hedonist’s Trove is an alternate-reality take on Villainous Wealth. And Marang River Prowler grew up and died and became Marang River Skeleton.
Also, punching bears is no longer in vogue.
Take a look at summit prowler and tormenting voice. One of the best uses of draft bait ever.
The Graveborn Reanimate Dead is reanimating the core set Sun Titan.
“Animate Dead”
it’s not across sets, but wild slash is perfect for killing morphs and clearly depicts such a move with flavor text to match, and reach of the shadows is good for killing morphs right after they flip and is depicted similarly (also works on curve)