
No Easter PPTQs

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This weekend is my weekend off, and as such I was hoping to do some PTQQing. I knew that this Sunday was Easter, but I was not expecting that to mean that no PPTQs would be scheduled this Sunday. I can see why one wouldn't want to host an event on Easter, but I thought that somebody would be putting one on.

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There actually was one PPTQ scheduled for Easter Sunday, but it was changed when the organized had realized what he had done. There are three PPTQs in Minnesota this Saturday, tough to be fair one of them is in Duluth. If you're unfamiliar with the geography of the area, Duluth may as well be Canada.

Even still, with two stores hosting on Saturday, I have to wonder if one of them might have seen a better turnout if they bit the bullet and hosted on Easter. There are of course costs associated with doing so. Some employees don't like working Easter and you tend to have to pay them a little more to do so, but as somebody who has worked a handful of Easters in his lifetime I can't say that there's any reason to want it off other than the fact that other people don't have to do anything on that day. I know for sure that I'd be playing a PPTQ if there were one on Easter.

Question time. You're a TO, and there is one PPTQ scheduled the Saturday of Easter weekend. Do you think that it benefits you most to host a Saturday PPTQ, an Easter PPTQ, or to just not do anything, and why?

Also of some relevance, would you attend an Easter PPTQ as a player?

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Ryan Overturf

Ryan has been playing Magic since Legions and playing competitively since Lorwyn. While he fancies himself a Legacy specialist, you'll always find him with strong opinions on every constructed format.

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