
Stock Watch: Safe From Reprint, Snapcaster Mage Slowly Gaining

snapcaster mage mtg price

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So, the majority of what you see on the chart below is old news.  Snapcaster Mage has been trending up since early February, and interestingly enough the trend sequence is inverted from what we usually see.  The retail price began to move in mid-January, but the buy price didn't even start to wiggle for weeks.  The retail price found stability at $50 for over a month, and aside from the quick spike to $40 on the buylist (during which I think I probably should have sold my extra playset...), the bid price stabilized at $35.

snapcaster mage mtg price
Snapcaster Mage, April 29th 2015
What's interesting is that we're seeing very similar movement in the retail price starting mid-April, and we're only now starting to see movement in the bid price a few weeks later.  Take a look at the chart below, which is only April, for a more fine-grained view.

snapcaster mage mtg price
Snapcaster Mage, April 2015
I'm tempted to ignore the little bid bump on the 6th, but it is definitely relevant in hindsight.  You'd be reasonable to have ignored it on, say, April 7th, but it actually preceded an ever-so-slight retail increase a few days thereafter.  The real movement starts on the 12th, and the bid price follows suit, once again, ever-so-slightly, on the 21st.  There's been a second wind, however, as of yesterday.

All these changes are relatively minor in the scheme of things, but as MM2015 draws near, we are all keeping our eyes out for the shock waves.  The cards in the set really have nowhere to go but down but the cards that have been guaranteed omitted, specifically Innistrad block staples like Liliana of the Veil, Snapcaster Mage and Geist of Saint Traft are probably due for some gains.    We can safely assume that Liliana isn't in Origins because there's another Lilly already in the set, and both she and Geist have just been reprinted as promos, and none of the three seem like probable candidates when we return to Zendikar.

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This is a case where running a spec is going to be very expensive, but you want to ensure you at least have your play sets, as I suspect that Snapcaster Mage and its other Innistrad compatriots will not be much cheaper any time soon.  Even if Snap gets reprinted.

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