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MM1 caused a huge spike in Modern cards despite the reprint because it generated significant interest in the format and reprinted a ton of cards that were previously hard to find. MM2, however, is not going to have the same effect. Modern is now a popular and healthy format, so reprints can really only drive prices down. That's probably a good thing for MTG players, but if you're a financier you might want to start divesting yourself of some of the prime reprint targets.
It seems like they're going to put a lot of the staples right back into MM2. Dark Confidant and Tarmogoyf are likely inclusions, and as of today, Vendilion Clique is confirmed to be in!
Totally agree Kelly. Outlined this looking at other cards in my article coming up on Friday. Keep these if you’re playing them, but not selling and re-purchasing is leaving money on the table.
Buylists are now all crushed. They have all dropped to $45 or less.
Welp 🙂
Also, tarmogoyf actually has been confirmed to be in Mm2, just not Bob. Yet.
so you are basically saying that though Clique is unlikely to decrease in value, it’s not a good investment anymore right?
Any thoughts about how long it will take for Clique to regain it’s value/stabilize?
I’ve got a few of them, but I do not know whether to keep them or sell them, as they remain highly playable cards 🙂