
What’s Happening to Mikaeus the Unhallowed’s Buy Price?

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As I was working on our price database this afternoon, I ran a few test reports to see what's been happening in the market lately.  Insiders will get to see the full reveal of these reports in a few weeks, but for now, let me just tease you with what I found on one of them.

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed has been creeping up for a while, but this recent spike seems to have come out of nowhere, and it's not reflected in the retail price...yet.

There was an error retrieving a chart for Mikaeus, the Unhallowed

I asked our team why this might be happening.  David Schumann was quick to reply with a pretty thorough explanation:

It's an amazing EDH/casual card that's always had an insanely low spread.  I've buylisted a few of these last year and the spread was always 15% or below when I did. I even remember one incident in which a vendor looked at the buylist price I'd set, said that seems too high, looked up the price on their computer and then took it at my price. Dark Ascension was a super low EV set that wasn't cracked en masse, similar to Dragon's Maze, any mythic from these types of sets has a much higher price ceiling if it were to break out (even from just casual demand). This particular card combos with:

  • Any creature that comes into play with +1/+1 counters that can be removed for benefit, such as Spike Feeder and Triskelion.
  • Any creature with persist, like Kitchen Finks or Murderous Redcap.
  • I'm currently unaware of any "new" combo with him, but his versatility means that he gets even better as any new creature with good ETB abilities or +1/+1 counters is printed.
Seems like a plausible explanation to me.  I also don't know of any new combos, so this is probably a case of a merchant running low on stock, merchants not getting their buylist orders filled, and low general supply in the market (due to DKA being a small, low-volume set).
I'd never have found this without our Trader Tools Reports, so I'm going to hurry up and get them finished so I can release the feature to our Insiders.

4 thoughts on “What’s Happening to Mikaeus the Unhallowed’s Buy Price?

  1. Defense of the Heart -> Mikaeus + Woodfall Primus

    If you have a sac general (Prossh, Ghave, etc.) it’s effectively GG as you wrath all non-creatures.

  2. This was called when INN block rotated out of standard. It was one of the casual targets we identified that time.
    I already mine. Maybe not on the time, but with a huge profit I can say.

    New mirrodin block and INN block were good blocks for the ‘after standard’ strategy.
    Have this less with RTR block.

  3. Played against this in EDH this week and there was a turn 4 combo in a mono-black deck, where the guy just wrecked us all. Flesh-eater Imp + Skinrender + Mikaeus gave a way to give your Imp infinite power and unless you had a blocker or answer for the imp, it was game over, and even then, the Mikaeus would just provide further recursion.

    It was disgusting.

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