
Serum Visions to be August’s FNM Promo

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When Modern Masters 2015 was fully spoiled, several cards were sited as glaring omissions. Chief among these omissions was $10 common Serum Visions.

There was an error retrieving a chart for Serum Visions

There is some reprieve here though, as Serum Visions has officially been announced as August's FNM promo. This clearly doesn't bring as many copies into the market as a reprint at common would, but four copies showing up at your LGS every week is a pretty solid supply. With a new art on the promo it's hard to say how this will impact the price of Fifth Dawn copies, but minimally this is great news for people looking to play blue in Modern but unwilling to shell out a Hamilton for one of the worst cantrips to ever be widely played.

Serum Visions

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Ryan Overturf

Ryan has been playing Magic since Legions and playing competitively since Lorwyn. While he fancies himself a Legacy specialist, you'll always find him with strong opinions on every constructed format.

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14 thoughts on “Serum Visions to be August’s FNM Promo

  1. Worst cantrip ever to be widely played?

    Obviously it’s not the best one, but it’s the best one legal in Modern so kind of becomes de facto best cantrip to be widely played…in Modern.

      1. That’s practically saying standard players rocking Dissolve could just be casting Force of Will since its superior.

        Situational (format) uses. Masses play the best cards in their situation (format).

        You statement is true, but off base at the same time.

        1. My statement in no way suggests that there is a better option, nor chastises anybody for choosing to play Serum Visions. I merely bemoan that it’s the best tool available.

  2. This will be a nice little bonus for doing well in FNM! Probably picking up a playset of the Promo or Non-Promo set foil because I prefer the art but still glad that people who still need these will have some sort of access to them 🙂

    1. Perhaps it won’t impact the market price, but I’m sure if you go to the FNMs offering these getting your own set won’t be difficult.

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