
Possession is 9/10ths of the Law

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Recently, Channel Fireball came into possession of the original artwork for Argothian Treefolk and Crystal Rod. I know, I know, nobody has any idea what those cards are. That's not what's important here. All you need to know is that original Magic art is expensive. Even if it was used as a representation of garbage.

There was an error retrieving a chart for Crystal Rod

The story gets interesting when artist Amy Weber claimed that the artwork was originally stolen from her. You can read more about the incident on the Reddit threat here.

Weber apparently put CFB on blast on social media instead of contacting them directly about the allegedly stolen art, which is not a very professional way to go about things. Either way, the art is now in possession of law enforcement, and hopefully it is soon returned to its rightful owner, be that Amy of CFB.

The moral of the story is that even pretty medium art is worth a substantial sum of money. So you should probably read more of Mike Bajorek's articles.

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Ryan Overturf

Ryan has been playing Magic since Legions and playing competitively since Lorwyn. While he fancies himself a Legacy specialist, you'll always find him with strong opinions on every constructed format.

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5 thoughts on “Possession is 9/10ths of the Law

    1. Haha. Wasn’t critiquing your art, but playing on the fact that you say artistic talent isn’t a prerequisite for starting alters. 😛

  1. “instead of contacting them directly about the allegedly stolen art”

    From reddit: “At that time Amy claimed the artwork was stolen. Following that conversation, Amy’s attorney contacted us asking that we return the artwork.”

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