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With Collected Company and Kolaghan's Command shaking up Modern, it's easy to forget that there was already a ton of under-explored space in Modern. Zac Elsik was well aware of this fact when he sleeved up his Lantern Control deck and took it to a 15th place finish at Grand Prix Charlotte. His deck is... well, it's unique.
Lantern Control
The gameplan is to empty your hand, land Ensnaring Bridge, and then mill them out while somewhat controlling their draw step with Lantern of Insight and your Millstone-y cards.
If you're interested in learning more about how to play the deck, you can find the decktech that SCG did for it here.
The deck is jam-packed with all of the misery of Legacy prison decks, but unlike prison in Legacy the Modern deck actually seems strong. Zac claims that the deck is very capable of beating hate cards like Ancient Grudge, and his record in the tournament lends credence to this notion.
Cool to see so many people interested in this deck. Thanks for the quiet speculation article
I like to bring attention to the sweet ones, and this is definitely a sweet one!
This deck is so awesome. I really think of it as an entire new archetype of control/mill/prison, which makes my trading post / death + taxes / eggs brain start wanting to brew! Love how many years of tinkering went into this deck and how cool it worked out. I wanna brew it with Ashiok somehow, thoughts?! Also, thanks!
Sounds like the deck is for real! Congrats Zac. Are there vids available of the deck in action?