
Piledriving Modern Prices

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Ready for some exciting news, Readers?

He’s back! Prepare to be piledrived. This was a big announcement today that Goblin Piledriver was included in Magic Origins. There’s already a buzz around the community as a whole because this now makes it Modern Legal. Deck brewers, tournament grinders and financial minds are scrambling to see if this could be the return of Goblins as a viable archetype.

No doubt this has started some market movement, in which we have seen foil copies of Warren Instigator all but gone from internet vendors. As players begin to put together the most viable decklist for Goblins, be on the lookout for upcoming Goblin-related cards disappear from the market in this frenzy.

Cards to watch out for in the near future:


Here's Douglas Linn on Legion Loyalist, per the Insider forums:

$1.55 or so right now. I've seen 4x Loyalist in every Goblins deck I looked at. It's cheap and it gives three really absurd abilities. If you want Piledriver to get through, this is the card to lean on."

Goblins aren't the only tribe getting some extremely good tools either. This was also spoiled, and it’s making Elves players salivate to play their favorite tribe in Modern.

That is just really potent, and aggressively costed. No doubt foils of this uncommon will command a premium should this card become the crux of an Elves decklist. We have already witnessed (pun!) success with Elves on the back of Collected Company, so this card seems like a shoe-in.

It’s also potent enough to cause speculators to move in on foil copies of Gilt-Leaf Palace--it seems they are gone from the internet entirely.

Looking to the Future

There was an error retrieving a chart for Mutavault

With the recent success of Merfolk and all the price movement that went along with that, it only seems plausible that tribal cards will start trending upward across the board. Magic Origins provides some great tools to the various tribes, and I for one will be eagerly awaiting what happens in Modern.

I think opening the format up to more tribes is only going to help the longevity of the format and make it more accessible. A card like Mutavault will probably be a centerpiece of those various archetypes, and it's at an all-time low. Look to this card in the future as a potential strong gainer.

That’s all for this update everyone, Origins is pile-driving it’s way into the market. Stay on your toes everyone!

Don’t let yourself get thrown against the ropes and have the People’s Elbow dropped on your potential investment opportunities!


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