Thanks Erik!
Hopefully you’ll join us someday 😉
]]>Thank you for the comments Bjorn.
Putting together the mock portfolio takes a little bit of extra time and could make the report lengthy. Although if updated everything week it would take a little bit less time (weekly prices still have to be reported though) not much really happens from one week to another.
Once a month and using the cumulative portfolio with a table + graph is something that could be considered.
]]>Thanks Kevin!
MM2 boosters might be a good spec in the absolute (they may gain value over the next couple of month). But it’s always a delicate act with potential flashback drafts, weird fluctuation pattern, interest for Modern, etc…
I would expect them to gain value as the whole MM2 set should gain value too.
MM2 single should yield nice profit in the short term (until October), and if you have spare Tix Magic Origins is also a great opportunity to invest with returns expected as soon as November-December.
In my opinion and experience, core sets are the best place to park Tix.