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If you're not familiar with the exclusive Comic Con all black planeswalkers, then you're about to learn something pretty sweet. For starters, they look awesome:
If that doesn't do it for you, then you should know what they cost.
In 2013 and 2014 they released the cycle of planeswalkers from the core set in this style at the Sand Diego Comic Con, and this year they will releasing the planeswalkers from Origins in the same fashion. If you were in attendance at Comic Con, you could purchase all five for $120, and if you have internet access and a credit card you'll be able to purchase all five online for $120 on July 28. These cards are going to sell for much more than this on the secondary market, and will sell out quickly.
If you're able to free up the time to shop and sell and some money to turn into more money, then I recommend vying for your chance to purchase these when they go live on Hasbro's website.
Any way you can cite a source? It’s not that I don’t believe you I’d just like to have access to the source as well.
The Hasbro site itself is the source….
You can’t purchase them yet, there will not be a link until the 28th.
What time will they go up for sale?
I’ve had a hard time finding any info on this. A reddit post from last year offered a little insight.…
Sold out… in case anyone is still looking.