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There have been some great articles here on Quiet Speculation about using Puca Trade, which are worth a look for all Insiders. Even if you're not using Puca Trade though, it's a site worth paying attention to. In particular, I recommend paying attention to their top traded page.
The thing about Puca Trade, is that while many cards are moved through this medium, it doesn't have any direct impact on the market. I can't just start asking for more Puca Points for my cards- all of the prices are locked in at TCG mid. Therefor, Puca Trade will evidence demand for cards without reflecting any direct changes in the market. This will often have predictive power for market gains in the near future.
Frequently, the most traded card on Puca Trade is an uncommon. This uncommon is usually worth a buck or two, but there's not a lot of financial relevance there. Currently, this is the most traded card on Puca Trade:
A lot of people thought Hangarback Walker was trash at first blush, but its slowly seeing more and more play and is worth a good chunk of change already. The buy in price is high here, but it's entirely possible that we're looking at the next Goblin Rabblemaster.
I’ve also seen a lot of demand for Monastary Siege…so that’s one to keep an eye out for. Sadly, I passed on a playset of Hangarback’s when the set first came out at $2.25 each because I didn’t plan on playing any deck with them….
Within minutes of seeing it on camera week one on SCG Live, I was buying the internet out of foils.
This card won’t come down.
Our incredible trading algorithms analyze card prices on hundreds of different websites globally to determine the most accurate values for cards.