
Blogatog Delivers Again

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This one definitely made the rounds quickly, but if you haven't heard, Mark Rosewater made a pretty big announcement on his Blogatog about Battle for Zendikar.


Full art lands is a cool announcement. You'll probably find fewer of these left on tables than original Zendikar full arts, but they'll be good things to hoard nonetheless. As for the other announcement, well...

I would like to be somebody who bought Tarns for ~$50 at the time of announcement. They can be buylisted now for about that, and you can make a small profit unloading them otherwise, but buying now is ill-advised. Tarn could climb all the way back to $100, but you're not doing yourself any good investing in a card that is already $80 and is all but guaranteed a reprint. It won't be in Battle for Zendikar, but it will happen. If anything, this announcement has me wanting to sell the Tarns that I have and play because I failed to sell into the hype at their previous peak.


A lack of an immediate reprint doesn't increase actual demand. People interested in playing Modern don't do so for the opportunity to line up to pay $400 for a set of lands.

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Ryan Overturf

Ryan has been playing Magic since Legions and playing competitively since Lorwyn. While he fancies himself a Legacy specialist, you'll always find him with strong opinions on every constructed format.

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One thought on “Blogatog Delivers Again

  1. I’m touched! Good heads up Ryan and well put. I’m glad you included my tweet, I didn’t realize you did until I was trying to find my feature image for an article. Lol. 😀

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